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Chapter 1:-Introduction of DBMS

  1. Basic Concept (Data Vs. Information,Database)
  2. Definition of DBMS,Needs and Features of DBMS
  3. Comparison of file processing system with DBMS
  4. Functions of DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS
  5. Structure of DBMS
  6. 3 Tier Architecture of Database System
  7. Schema and Sub schema
  8. Data Abstraction
  9. Data Independence
  10. Data Dictionary
  11. Different types of Database Users

Chapter 2:-Data Models

  1. Introduction, definition, features of data models and its types
  2. DFD(Data Flow Diagram)
  3. Object based data models- Entity Relationship Model
  4. Record based models- Hierarchical Model, Network Model,Relational Model and Physical Data Models.
  5. Keys: Primary key,foreign key, candidate key, super key, unique key.
  6. Normalization:Concept of normalization, Advantages, First NF, Second NF, Third NF, BCNF

Chapter 3:-Database Management through Ms-Access

  1. Introduction of Ms- Access and  Features of Ms-Access
  2. Database creation, Table creation, Insert Records,Queries, Forms and Report creation.
  3. SQL: Introduction of SQL, Features, SQL Data Types.
  4. SQL Commands-
  5. Aggregate functions
  6. Order by clause.

Chapter 4:-Organization of Database System

  1. Introduction of file and file types or organization of file
  2. Types of Database System:
