MOLAP Data Cube

data cube

MOLAP Data Cube-

The data cube concept referred to multi-dimensional array of data. In OLAP lots of data saved in cubical format,that all data managed getting hard. Data cube is the smallest part of large cube. The all data saved in OLAP in the form of cube. The data cube performs a major in OLAP . Data cube saved a particular data about any object or any component. In one cube lots of data cubes are available.

data cube

Data cube stores a particular data about any required information. In cube every dimensions represent a new attribute in database. Each and relevant part of cube is divided into multiple data cubes that all represent a small amount of information to user. The cube stores all data about user requirement but in cube store related information about any particular item related with that cube.

Each cube performs a 3 basic task about task-

  1. Create Partitions
  2. Delete Partitions
  3. Update Partitions

Each data cube store meaningful information in cube, and each cube divide in multiple cubes. So, user can find desired result from data cubes mainly, At the time of extracting information user can use different techniques on cube for fast output like slice and dice,drill down and drill up,pivoting as per requirement.

Dimension and fact table are totally responsible for read data from data cubes. Each and every data saved in data cube that all data may fallow extract, transform, load and process steps for calculating data and passes data to next stage mainly.

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