Difference Between OLTP and OLAP


Operational Database(OLTP)-

OLTP means that online transaction processing database, They are used for saving dynamic data in real time. It controls a fundamental task of real time database management. OLTP allow to saving and accessing data with use of query processing with use insert, update and delete queries. It is fast, integrated and effective.

In that each and every transaction about organization is stored in database for future use, but all data is not well formatted and unstructured mainly. It is traditional way of data saving. That all data not getting a good decision for future use. In 1990 the operational database concept used mostly with SQL engine and because of that big data saving and accessing time is large for query processing. Operational database are increasingly supported to distributed database architecture.

In OLTP data are saved in table format as a traditional method, and also used a query formation for data access. 

Advantages of OLTP-

  1. Saved day to day transaction and detailed data about organization.
  2. Data are up to date.

Disadvantages of OLTP-

  1. Not well formatted.
  2. Not well structured.
  3. Do not give a proper knowledge for future desicion.

Online Analytical Processing-(OLAP)-

It is a selective method for data saving and data accessing with fast manner. The data extracted and view with different formation and different angles and different point of view to user. That is latest technology used for data saving and accessing.

OLAP used multi-dimensional analysis technology for organisational data calculating. They fallow fast accessing and sophisticated data saving and accessing from database.

It is used for as planning, budgeting, forecasting, financial reporting, knowledge discovery and data warehouse reporting.

OLAP technology are very fast access and saving technology in real world from database as quicker output. In that output give and save as chart manner and converted into multidimensional for fast accessing. The data tables from database converted and stored in OLAP in multidimensional format and After that the basic task applied on that for searching data. i.e. data mining, analytical processing, information processing(Reporting)

The main goal of OLAP is data converted and saved into multidimensional.Data giving for database and save fast. A data search easily and pass to data mining tool for next processing. Accessing data from OLAP-used fallowing  techniques-

  1. Roll up and Roll down
  2. Drill up and Drill down
  3. Slice and Dice
  4. Pivoting

The OLAP covers in 3 types for data saving-

  1. Relational OLAP(ROLAP)
  2. Multi-Dimensional OLAP(MOLAP)
  3. Hybrid OLAP(HOLAP)

Advantages of OLAP-

  1. fast Accessing data.
  2. Data save structured format.
  3. Accessing data makes easier.

Dis-Advantages of OLAP-

  1. Hard to maintain.

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