Architecture of Data Mining


Architecture of Data Mining

Architecture of Data mining is very important process for creating useful patterns for user from big data. there are number of components used in data mining for processing data.

The major component of data mining is-

  1. Data Source
  2. Data Warehouse
  3. Data Mining Engine
  4. Pattern Evaluation Model
  5. GUI
  6. Knowledge Base


1. Data Source-

In Data source data coming from largest database system like different data warehouses, www, text files or other any types of document like video,audio, 2D, 3D file or any type of file which are stored in data source. that data is large volume of data and also include a historical data about that organisation,that all data stored in in data sources or operational databases.

In that data sources include lots of Mini databases but that data sources can not give a proper knowledge for user to giving a decision, so that big data source is unstructured, Before that data passes to data mining need cleaning of that data is important. That data was cleaned and integrated and then data passes to in next stage.

2. Data Warehouse-

In data warehouses stores the actual data sources that data is passes to the data mining but all data is clean for process. In data warehouse only save useful data and correct data.

3. Data Mining Engines-

Data mining engine include data mining algorithms like classification, clustering, regression, time series analysis, prediction, sequence series-that all algorithm methods are stored in data mining engine. These all algorithm used with requirement.

4. Pattern Evaluation Model-

Pattern evolution is attached to data mining engines. Data mining engine and pattern evaluation decide which pattern is created from large database with user requirement.

5. Graphical User Interface GUI-

GUI model communicate between user and data mining system,this model helps to user for understanding result. GUI model interact with data mining tool and create a user understandable format result with use of different GUI techniques with diagrammatic and graphical representation.

6. Knowledge Base-

In knowledge base saved previously created patterns. If data mining working start then knowledge base is help to pattern valuation and graphical user interface for selecting best algorithm and creating user friendly pattern for user. knowledge base is important part from data mining architecture because previous all patterns are saved in knowledge base,so knowledge base is select reliable and accurate algorithm and pattern for user because of that user get result with more accurate and reliable.



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